Sunday, 23 December 2012

Welcome to the family

Charley in his cage

Can you believe it, another addition to the family and so close to Christmas.  It was the 14th of December at about 12pm when I received a phone call from my lovely wife.

"Babe...." she asked in such a lovely voice "I was wondering..." and now I knew she wanted something, "could we get another pet?"  It was to be expected that eventually she would ask me for a dog as she has been going on and on about it for so long. But to ask to keep a bird, that was unexpected. She then proceeded to tell me this lavis story about how the builders at her school found it under the building and it looked sad and needed a home. "We will be rescuing it" was here sales pitch to me.

Now I'm not one to really care about animals and birds even less but having a happy wife means I have a happy life.  I said to her that if she could organise someone to look after the bird while we are away over christmas and camping then she could keep it.

That wasn't enough for Chelsea. She found a cat cage to keep the bird in and brought the bird to school so I could see it.  With 20 kids in my class all seeing the birds and saying I should keep it I could hardly tell her no.  A cleaver tactic on her behalf.

Anyway the bird survived the first night at home and we brought it a cage the next day.  Chelsea decided to name him Charley because he likes to bite fingers.  Charley is now a very happy cocketeil whole loves to chirp and climb.  We are working hard on getting him use to being touched and sitting on our shoulder.

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