Oh the places I have walked

I quickly grab all my gear and headed to Te Tahi Road. I may have started the walk with a little to much vigor as I soon became short of breath... or im just unfit. I have walked this track before and it was nice to revisit it as it is one of the most enjoyable ones.
Had been doing a lot of procrastinating over the winter months and not a lot of tramping. With me having to travel further and further to collect a cache it was time to revisit a mountain that I have already climbed to collect two new caches that have been placed.
I made plans during the week as to what ones I was going to get and decided to climb Karioi first then head into Raglan town and collect the ones there. Upon reflection super glad I decided to do it this way.
Was suppose to get up early and head to Raglan today but with it being nice and cuddly in bed I slept in and didn't end up leaving Hamilton until 7.30. It was a quick trip to the Te Toto gorge car park and by 8:30 I was ready to leave. Just as I remembered, it was up all the way. Was at the Lookout after only 1hr and decided to keep going to the summit to collect the furtherest cache, A different Point of View, before I get to tired and not want to go on any further.
Another quick trip across the ridge to the summit had me a the turn off to my first cache for the day. The trip to this cache was ... challenging... There was several times that I lost the pink markers and wasn't sure which way I should be climbing. Was pretty slow going in sections but there was also some good tracks to follow in parts. Eventually checked the gps to find that I had going past the cache, just a little. Headed up the last burst to the peak to find that the fog had lifted a little and there was some nice views of Raglan. To make matters worse on the way to the peak my bag got snagged on a branch and opened, no major you say, but all my cache notes had fallen out. Took a little bit longer than expected to find the cache but eventually spotted in and signed. Then ducked down to get some shelter from the wind and had a well deserved tin of pears.
Feeling refreshed I then headed back to the main track. This was a quick trip as I had figured out where the track was ment to go taking 3hr so far. Once back on the main track I felt relieved and started heading back to the car. Quickly found myself back at the Look Out point and thought that I'd just see how far it was to the next cache, Another Way Up. 625m What a tease. Even though my legs were screaming at me I decided to give it a crack.
The track down was easy to follow but then there was also some placed where I wasn't sure which way I was suppose to go and Murphy's law was in play... I choose the wrong way. Found myself at climbing a ridgeline that I didn't need to and ended up perched on top of a steep ridge in flax bushes. Had to arm crawl my way across and down to safety. Should have just gone around. Eventually got to GZ with my legs cramping and burning. Found the cache quickly and signed the log. Another 2TF. Now to begin the log and slow trip back to the main trail. At times I found it easier and faster to move on my hands and knees. Made it back to the track with a total time for the day of 4hrs so far. Was really tired and sore by this stage but glad that I had collected the two caches. Got my march on and started heading home. Meet a lovely couple heading up and stopped to talk with them for a while. A welcomed brake.
Made it back to the car total time 5hr 30min.
Was I going to get any more for the day... heck no. I was done.
Pirongia - 13 January 2013
There I was sitting at the table enjoying by breakfast when an email came through. A new cache had been published and normally im not that committed to a FTF attempt but when the cache has your name in it you kinda have to make that extra effort.... don't you??
Well yes you do. I raced down to the bedroom and in one breath explained that a new cache had been published and it had my name in it and I want to go get it and ill do the housework when I get home. It all came out as "whosidighttanmeintigotogetcachehousewlalater"
After slowing down and explaining it again Chelsea gave me a day pass to go and collect this cache.

After 1hr 30min I came to the first summit and took a well deserved 20min rest. Seeing that the cache was about 900m away gave me the energy to push on. It took me about 30min to get to GZ and start the search. Had me looking in the wrong trees as my GPS was all over the place. Finally got a fix and started searching the large tree. It was a relief to find the cache and also be the FTF.
Going back to the car was just as hard as my legs were sore and the heat of the day was in full swing.
10km in 4hr
Mt Karioi - 8 September 2012
Had been doing a lot of procrastinating over the winter months and not a lot of tramping. With me having to travel further and further to collect a cache it was time to revisit a mountain that I have already climbed to collect two new caches that have been placed.
I made plans during the week as to what ones I was going to get and decided to climb Karioi first then head into Raglan town and collect the ones there. Upon reflection super glad I decided to do it this way.
Was suppose to get up early and head to Raglan today but with it being nice and cuddly in bed I slept in and didn't end up leaving Hamilton until 7.30. It was a quick trip to the Te Toto gorge car park and by 8:30 I was ready to leave. Just as I remembered, it was up all the way. Was at the Lookout after only 1hr and decided to keep going to the summit to collect the furtherest cache, A different Point of View, before I get to tired and not want to go on any further.
Feeling refreshed I then headed back to the main track. This was a quick trip as I had figured out where the track was ment to go taking 3hr so far. Once back on the main track I felt relieved and started heading back to the car. Quickly found myself back at the Look Out point and thought that I'd just see how far it was to the next cache, Another Way Up. 625m What a tease. Even though my legs were screaming at me I decided to give it a crack.
The track down was easy to follow but then there was also some placed where I wasn't sure which way I was suppose to go and Murphy's law was in play... I choose the wrong way. Found myself at climbing a ridgeline that I didn't need to and ended up perched on top of a steep ridge in flax bushes. Had to arm crawl my way across and down to safety. Should have just gone around. Eventually got to GZ with my legs cramping and burning. Found the cache quickly and signed the log. Another 2TF. Now to begin the log and slow trip back to the main trail. At times I found it easier and faster to move on my hands and knees. Made it back to the track with a total time for the day of 4hrs so far. Was really tired and sore by this stage but glad that I had collected the two caches. Got my march on and started heading home. Meet a lovely couple heading up and stopped to talk with them for a while. A welcomed brake.
Made it back to the car total time 5hr 30min.
Was I going to get any more for the day... heck no. I was done.
Maungakawa 25 August 2012
With winter getting on and the days getting warmer its time to start tramping again. Saw a cache up a mountain not to far from Hamilton and only a short walk. Took about 40min to get up to the top and 35 down. The walk was really nice. Some good views at the top and with clean dry boots the whole experience was really enjoyable.
Pukekohatu 13 May 2012
A Playland… yea I hate to say it but it was great fun. Began my journey at 7 in the morning from the carpark by the battery. Had to have a bit of a chuckle to myself as I pulled up at 6.30 and saw someone tenting. Probably woke them up but oh well.
Headed off straight for the Kauri Grove following the signs. Got to the one that said “Take care track no longer maintained” and rubbed my hands together ready for the fun to begin… And it did. Only 5 min later I found myself at the edge of a fast flowing stream and no makers anywhere. Looked high and low on both sides. Was thinking that my journey was about to end when I took a chance and climbed half way up a rather large land slip. Bingo there was some orange markers higher up so I had to CLIMB THE LAND SLIP.
The track was definitely steep but once up onto the ridge it was a gentle climb. Most of the time I was able to either spot Orange markers or follow a clear track, however there was a couple of times I had to backtrack a couple of steps to find the next marker. I never went more than about 10m before spotting a marker. It was a lot of fun bashing my way through and trusting my footing (because you couldn’t see where you were standing). There was some amazing views.
As a side note: Being one that doesn’t follow rules I crossed the yellow tape that is about 500m N of the cache. Thinking that no one would be working I thought i was safe. Eventually came across 3 workers who are “straightening” the track. They were great to talk to and I had a good chat with them. It took me 3hr 30min to get up but on the new track took 1hr 40 down.
Wairere Falls 5 May 2012
A really magical place and a pretty easy climb considering how steep it looks. Amazing the types of features that are in our backyard that I don’t even know about.
Kaimai Radar Tower 5 May 2012
This was a major climb. I wasn’t fully prepared for how steep and constant this one was going to be and even with Steve’s help it still took a lot of mental power to get there – 6km up. Great views of the Waikato basin once up there.
Mangatautari 14 April 2012
A great hike to all 3 peaks – Te Akatarere, Pukeatua, Mangatautari
Mt Taupiri 13 April 2012
This was a nice and easy climb up to the summit. Great view both North and South.
Hikarimata Range 12 April 2012
Climbed to the top of the Hikarimata’s and also completed the kauri loop at the northern end of the range.
Mt Karangaheke 7 April 2012
Took Josh and Semmone son with me up to the summit. Was a good little walk even though we had to go all the way to the far side of the mountain before we found the track leading up. What was hard was the getting lost in the gorse bush and having to use the GPS to find our way back to the original track then home. Took far to long.
Tongariro Crossing 25 March 2012
This was the toughest crossing that I have done to date. Wind blowing close to 80km/hr. When you heard it coming up the valley you had to drop to the ground and brace yourself so as not to be blown into the crater. Once over the crest the weather improved. Completed with Steve.
Mt Pauanui 5 January 2012
After climbing Kaitarakihi the previous day I thought this one would be a good hike to ‘warm down’ with. A good slog up to the top with a great view. Well worth the effort. Took the loop track back to the beach that headed us around the back side of the mountain.
Mt Kaitarakihi 4 January 2012
Thought this one would be an easy climb up. Took Kimberley with me and it turned out to be a huge hike. The track is not longer maintained and trying to locate makers was a bit of a mission. Once a marker was found battling our way through the overgrowth was the next mission. Amazing views but certainly a challenging hike.
Mt Karioi 3 December 2011
The picture says its all.
Tongariro Crossing 20 March 2011
The crossing was amazing. Beautiful sights but so many people. Couldn’t believe the huge line of people that were crossing today. The only thing worse was the huge blisters that I got from my new shoes.
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