Monday, 21 January 2013
Auckland caching
An early morning start 4.30 and Steve and myself were off to Auckland. Had a big day planned and ended up collecting just over 50 caches.
Saw some great things at Shakespares reserve.
Saw some great things at Shakespares reserve.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Hamilton zoo
With Quinn in our care we decided to head to the Zoo for the day. Turns out after 2hr Quinn had had enough and wanted to head home.
It was really cool watching Quinn spot all the different animals and describing them to us. He was super excited with the monkeys and like looking at them. He always tried to climb up the rails to get the best view.
Had morning tea with the Tiger before heading off towards the rhino. Had to laugh as we came to the spider monkeys and Quinn said they looked like Dad
Geocaching in Rotorua
So by now it's pretty clear that I'm committed to my geocaching. Today Chelsea and I had decided to head to Rotorua to do a little bit of sight seeing and collect some Earthcaches. I am currently trying to complete my Geocache license and to do that I need to get 5 Earthcaches. Rotorua just so happens to have 5 so it was a no brainer.
We left Hamilton at about 8am and there was hardly any traffic on the road. One of our first stops was at a pull over bay just before Rotorua. There was an interesting sculpture and a challenging cache to find. Turned out that there was a little bit of climbing and reaching to claim this one.

We then carried on to Rotorua with a quick stop at the Agrodome and a pirate themed cache.

While in Rotorua we went to the Hot Pools for a look and to the lake front for lunch. The weather was pretty bleak with it drizzling a couple of times but after lunch and while I was out getting a cache it poured down. My wife, I have to say, would have to be labeled the smart one as she choose to stay in the car. Even though I ran back to the car I was still absolutely drenched.

But that doesn't stop a cacher
We meet up with Chris and Tiff as we were going to babysit Quinn for the night as they celebrate their wedding anniversary. No outing is complete with out a game of Mini Golf. It started out all civil with Chris and Tiff just playing for fun while Chelsea and I have a Slave Day riding on it. By the time we got half way I was winning my 4 shots. It was going to be close. Tiff decided that she could beat Chris and they placed a wager on the last 9 holes. This was when it got super funny as they are both so competitive. Chris went pale as Tiff got hole a hole in one and started to win. By the last hole all Tiff had to do was not hit the white area to win.... and you guessed it... there was an almighty choke on her part. You would have thought Chris won an Olympic Medal the way he celebrated. It was so funny. Any just for the record, I won, Bring on Slave Day 2013.

We picked up Quinn and had Wendy's for dinner then headed to get the last couple of caches for the day. I ended up at this steam called Dancing Sand. it was really impressive as there was vents under the stream bed that made the sand jump all around. It was a little hypnotising and could have spent longer looking if Chelsea and Quinn hadn't been waiting in the car form me.
Once on the road both Quinn and Chelsea fell asleep and it was a quite trip home.

We then carried on to Rotorua with a quick stop at the Agrodome and a pirate themed cache.

But that doesn't stop a cacher
We meet up with Chris and Tiff as we were going to babysit Quinn for the night as they celebrate their wedding anniversary. No outing is complete with out a game of Mini Golf. It started out all civil with Chris and Tiff just playing for fun while Chelsea and I have a Slave Day riding on it. By the time we got half way I was winning my 4 shots. It was going to be close. Tiff decided that she could beat Chris and they placed a wager on the last 9 holes. This was when it got super funny as they are both so competitive. Chris went pale as Tiff got hole a hole in one and started to win. By the last hole all Tiff had to do was not hit the white area to win.... and you guessed it... there was an almighty choke on her part. You would have thought Chris won an Olympic Medal the way he celebrated. It was so funny. Any just for the record, I won, Bring on Slave Day 2013.

We picked up Quinn and had Wendy's for dinner then headed to get the last couple of caches for the day. I ended up at this steam called Dancing Sand. it was really impressive as there was vents under the stream bed that made the sand jump all around. It was a little hypnotising and could have spent longer looking if Chelsea and Quinn hadn't been waiting in the car form me.
Once on the road both Quinn and Chelsea fell asleep and it was a quite trip home.
Gave Quinn some quality reading material once we got home.
Saturday, 12 January 2013
There I was sitting at the table enjoying by breakfast when an email came through. A new cache had been published and normally im not that committed to a FTF attempt but when the cache has your name in it you kinda have to make that extra effort.... don't you??

I quickly grab all my gear and headed to Te Tahi Road. I may have started the walk with a little to much vigor as I soon became short of breath... or im just unfit. I have walked this track before and it was nice to revisit it as it is one of the most enjoyable ones.
Well yes you do. I raced down to the bedroom and in one breath explained that a new cache had been published and it had my name in it and I want to go get it and ill do the housework when I get home. It all came out as "whosidighttanmeintigotogetcachehousewlalater"
After slowing down and explaining it again Chelsea gave me a day pass to go and collect this cache.

After 1hr 30min I came to the first summit and took a well deserved 20min rest. Seeing that the cache was about 900m away gave me the energy to push on. It took me about 30min to get to GZ and start the search. Had me looking in the wrong trees as my GPS was all over the place. Finally got a fix and started searching the large tree. It was a relief to find the cache and also be the FTF.
Going back to the car was just as hard as my legs were sore and the heat of the day was in full swing.
10km in 4hr
Friday, 11 January 2013
Stage one complete
Last night I went to bed with the concrete setting. I had a busy day planned for Saturday and wasn't sure if I was going to get any time for finishing the garden.
Woke up early today and headed down to Chris's place to wait for Sticky. The plan was to get dropped at Cambridge and kayak back to Hamilton. Why? You ask. Because a good friend of mine had recently placed several caches along the river. It was a beautiful day to be on the water and after a couple of hairy moments in the twirly currents we were back in Hamilton. 26.5km in 3 hr 40 min.
Once home I was convinced that the garden would not get seen to today. After several sandwiches, two muffins, Christmas cake and a nap I was feeling revitalised.
I got my 2 I.C to give me a hand and between the two of use we soon had the side posts attached, level and looking good.
Woke up early today and headed down to Chris's place to wait for Sticky. The plan was to get dropped at Cambridge and kayak back to Hamilton. Why? You ask. Because a good friend of mine had recently placed several caches along the river. It was a beautiful day to be on the water and after a couple of hairy moments in the twirly currents we were back in Hamilton. 26.5km in 3 hr 40 min.
Once home I was convinced that the garden would not get seen to today. After several sandwiches, two muffins, Christmas cake and a nap I was feeling revitalised.
I got my 2 I.C to give me a hand and between the two of use we soon had the side posts attached, level and looking good.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Building a veggie garden
Have wanted a veggie garden for a long time and now it's happening.

Went to Thompsons ITM yesterday and had a look at what timber I could use. Ended up getting 100x100 posts to use for the sides.
Got stuck in and ended up getting both sides level and ready. All I needed now was the timber for the front and some concrete. Oh and nails. Was super lucky that Kevin was able to give me a hand today and get the timber, these ones were a little bit to long for the car.
Got stuck in and checked and double checked the levels and distances. Held my breath and concreted the post in. Once they set it will be time to nail one side together then work on getting the front perfects.

Went to Thompsons ITM yesterday and had a look at what timber I could use. Ended up getting 100x100 posts to use for the sides.
Got stuck in and ended up getting both sides level and ready. All I needed now was the timber for the front and some concrete. Oh and nails. Was super lucky that Kevin was able to give me a hand today and get the timber, these ones were a little bit to long for the car.
Got stuck in and checked and double checked the levels and distances. Held my breath and concreted the post in. Once they set it will be time to nail one side together then work on getting the front perfects.
Monday, 7 January 2013
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Post 6 of 2013
The plan was set and caches loaded, I was going kayaking today.
There had been a whole lot of new caches published along the Waikato River and I teamed up with Jane and her son James to collect 8 of then today.
It was a beautiful paddle down the river with the sun shining and and ducks swimming next to us. The caches were all easily found but the highlight would have to be saving a little pummelo that had fallen into the river and was being swept away. I scooped him up and paddled him back up stream to a nice bank where he would hopefully be able to find his mother.
Chelsea and I also went to find a multi put had no luck, just to we'll hidden. We decided to go and pick up a cache that was dedicated to the placed we caches put our hands. It was quite funny and made me forget about the disappointment of the DNF of the multi
There had been a whole lot of new caches published along the Waikato River and I teamed up with Jane and her son James to collect 8 of then today.
It was a beautiful paddle down the river with the sun shining and and ducks swimming next to us. The caches were all easily found but the highlight would have to be saving a little pummelo that had fallen into the river and was being swept away. I scooped him up and paddled him back up stream to a nice bank where he would hopefully be able to find his mother.
Chelsea and I also went to find a multi put had no luck, just to we'll hidden. We decided to go and pick up a cache that was dedicated to the placed we caches put our hands. It was quite funny and made me forget about the disappointment of the DNF of the multi
Post 5 of 2013
The day stared well with a sleep in and a great book. After relaxing and reading it was time to head out and collect the first geocache of the year.

For a long time I have been wanting to head to the southern part of pirongia and collect the cache that is located on the Te kauri walkway. I read the logs and it sounded like a great walk that Chelsea would enjoy and only take us about an hour and a half.
It was a long hot drive out to the walk with the sun beating down and the windows wound down it was still a warm ride.
We arrived at the car park and soon found ourselves walking down the manuka track. When I say down I really mean down about 100 steeps. It was a long way and Chelsea made a comment about having to walk all the way back up.

Once we were down in the valley it was a pleasant walk to the picnic area following a babbling stream. We eventually found ourselves in the opening that would be a great picnic if it wasn't overrun with tall grass. Chelsea soon spotted a trail that lead up a little hill where we were greeted by some baby birds. After saying hello we carried on to the cache location where I quickly found the berrocca container. It was a little disappointing to find such a small cache in this great location. Unfortunately the cache was wet so after all that I couldn't even sign the log.

Now that wasn't even the fun part. On the way back to the car we decided to cross the bridge and head back on the Devilish ridge. Now I must point out that this was Chelsea's idea, she thought the name was a joke - as in its not devilish, it's easy. Chelsea doesn't realise that the name normally never is a joke so needless to say the trip back was long and hard. There was massive uphill and downhills, wet parts, caves and massive boulders. I heard everything from this is cool to man it's steep, and later on, if I have to go down hill again ill kill some one.
It was a slow climb and on parts we were even on our hands and knees. We got there in the end and Chelsea was very pale but she did say it was fun.
We will see if she wants to come on another walk.

It was a long hot drive out to the walk with the sun beating down and the windows wound down it was still a warm ride.
We arrived at the car park and soon found ourselves walking down the manuka track. When I say down I really mean down about 100 steeps. It was a long way and Chelsea made a comment about having to walk all the way back up.

It was a slow climb and on parts we were even on our hands and knees. We got there in the end and Chelsea was very pale but she did say it was fun.
We will see if she wants to come on another walk.
Friday, 4 January 2013
Post 4 of 2013
A nice relaxing day with plenty of reading.
Started the morning by doing the housework and a general tidy up. Then entered the world of "the knife of never letting to" an interesting book to say the least. I'm only 100 pages into it and still trying to get my head around the storyline.
Went for a run around the lake, not very successfully as I had to stop lots.
Finished the day with a family dinner with the in-laws for Chelsea and Ryan's birthday. A great meal at Thai village of green curry.
Started the morning by doing the housework and a general tidy up. Then entered the world of "the knife of never letting to" an interesting book to say the least. I'm only 100 pages into it and still trying to get my head around the storyline.
Went for a run around the lake, not very successfully as I had to stop lots.
Finished the day with a family dinner with the in-laws for Chelsea and Ryan's birthday. A great meal at Thai village of green curry.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Post 3 of 2013

Stared the day by making her pancakes with banana and maple syrup. My mum popped by to say hi and drop off a couple of gifts. After she left we made ourselves some buns then headed off the the Hamilton Zoo. Chelsea treated herself to a coffee as I go up close with the peacock.
After seeing the monkeys and watching the meerkats being feed mice we made our way to the tiger enclosure where we had lunch.
Post 2 of 2013
The end of the second day of the year and I'm treated to the importance of friends. Chris and Tiff, with their tribe of children turned up at the beach for the day.
We spent an hour at the eastery swimming and kayaking. A quick trip to the bakery for a very expensive lunch then it was off to the surf club for a swim in the waves.
We didn't realise that there was surf racing on so the beach was absolutely backed. Im a firm believer in 'swim between the flags' but it was very had to do when there was so many people that you kept bumping into everyone. The surf was pretty good with some good breaks coming. I had to have a bit of a laugh as Chris got a little water logged a coulpe of times. For a guy that has the surfer look, necklace, boardies, he struggled with the swimming part. Apparently it has something to do with his heigh... or lack of it.
Chelsea was normally found with one of the kids in hand and it made me realise what a great mother she will make some day.
It was great to catch up with friends and have a bit of a laugh at Chris's expense.
We spent an hour at the eastery swimming and kayaking. A quick trip to the bakery for a very expensive lunch then it was off to the surf club for a swim in the waves.

Chelsea was normally found with one of the kids in hand and it made me realise what a great mother she will make some day.
It was great to catch up with friends and have a bit of a laugh at Chris's expense.
Post 1 of 2013
It's the start of a new year and I'm reminded of people's words about it being a time to start fresh, leave behind past mistakes, make plans for the future and be happy with the present.
After a quiet New Years at the Bach and being able to go to bed with my wife I find myself struggling to find last years mistakes. I mean there maybe so things I'd change but nothing that I regret or am desperately ashamed of. Therefore does that make last year a success?
Waking up on the first day of a new year to me always feels a little different. Start of work now feels like its getting closer. Everyone gets a year older. Plans and goals for the year are set in motion.
I want to get back into my running again this year so on the first day I pull myself out of the warm cozy bed, tie on my shoes and start pounding the pavement. I did my best but it certainly wasn't vey far. Still you have to start somewhere.
On returning from my shoe run and having breakfast Kevin decided to try his New Years luck with a spot of fishing. Unfortunately there was no luck involved as we didn't catch a single fish. It was still a nice day out on the boat with beautiful sun and crisp fresh air. We were blessed with a visit from a large pod of dolphins and Chelsea was kissed by the sun.
In all it was a great first of the year and if this is how the year continues its bound to be a great one
After a quiet New Years at the Bach and being able to go to bed with my wife I find myself struggling to find last years mistakes. I mean there maybe so things I'd change but nothing that I regret or am desperately ashamed of. Therefore does that make last year a success?
Waking up on the first day of a new year to me always feels a little different. Start of work now feels like its getting closer. Everyone gets a year older. Plans and goals for the year are set in motion.

On returning from my shoe run and having breakfast Kevin decided to try his New Years luck with a spot of fishing. Unfortunately there was no luck involved as we didn't catch a single fish. It was still a nice day out on the boat with beautiful sun and crisp fresh air. We were blessed with a visit from a large pod of dolphins and Chelsea was kissed by the sun.
In all it was a great first of the year and if this is how the year continues its bound to be a great one
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