The day stared well with a sleep in and a great book. After relaxing and reading it was time to head out and collect the first geocache of the year.

For a long time I have been wanting to head to the southern part of pirongia and collect the cache that is located on the Te kauri walkway. I read the logs and it sounded like a great walk that Chelsea would enjoy and only take us about an hour and a half.
It was a long hot drive out to the walk with the sun beating down and the windows wound down it was still a warm ride.
We arrived at the car park and soon found ourselves walking down the manuka track. When I say down I really mean down about 100 steeps. It was a long way and Chelsea made a comment about having to walk all the way back up.

Once we were down in the valley it was a pleasant walk to the picnic area following a babbling stream. We eventually found ourselves in the opening that would be a great picnic if it wasn't overrun with tall grass. Chelsea soon spotted a trail that lead up a little hill where we were greeted by some baby birds. After saying hello we carried on to the cache location where I quickly found the berrocca container. It was a little disappointing to find such a small cache in this great location. Unfortunately the cache was wet so after all that I couldn't even sign the log.

Now that wasn't even the fun part. On the way back to the car we decided to cross the bridge and head back on the Devilish ridge. Now I must point out that this was Chelsea's idea, she thought the name was a joke - as in its not devilish, it's easy. Chelsea doesn't realise that the name normally never is a joke so needless to say the trip back was long and hard. There was massive uphill and downhills, wet parts, caves and massive boulders. I heard everything from this is cool to man it's steep, and later on, if I have to go down hill again ill kill some one.
It was a slow climb and on parts we were even on our hands and knees. We got there in the end and Chelsea was very pale but she did say it was fun.
We will see if she wants to come on another walk.
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