Saturday started with an early morning wakeup to watch the Chiefs playing over in South Africa. I new that we were going to win but didn't think it would be as close as it was. Having watched my team chalk up a win I was in a good mood as we climbed into the car and headed north.
Chelsea has an attachment to all zoos and Auckland is one of her favourite. When she found out we were heading to the zoo and even better, doing a Zoom Experience she was like a kid a christmas. The smile on her face went from ear to ear and she kept doing this funny dance.

Then it was almost time, 10:35 and man did it go slow. It felt like the night before christmas, when you just want the morning to come only time goes so slow. This was the same. We had to wait 10 minutes which felt like an eternity. We were greeted by a lovely lady Harriet who was going to take us down to the enclosure and take photos. She was a super friendly and energetic person to take with and had lots of interesting things to say. We got to see the Auckland Zoo Shoe Shop which stocked the best in gumboots. With a pair of gummies on we were ready to get our hands dirty.

Andy, the keeper, let us into the enclosure and we got to give Burma a quick pat before he got her to lie down. Watching such a large animal get on the ground is a sight. Every movement was careful and slow as she doesn't want to move her 3,500kg twice. Once on the ground she was given a pile of fresh veg's and I was reminded of a scene in a greek move with a lord or lady lying on a bed while being feed and cared for.

After her wash was over Burma was lead out the back to have her nails painted and her broken tuss cleaned out. She was then lead out the front where Andy gave a talk to the general public. While this was on we were in the enclosure with another keepers asking a raft of questions. The keepers are so friendly and easy to talk, with you genuinely felt welcomed.
After the talk we left Burma to relax and got to have last chat with the keepers before they had to get back to their duties. Andy was a real down to earth guy who clearly has a close bond with Burma.
This is a day that I will never forget. Thanks Auckland Zoo, Andy, Harriet and everyone that works hard looking after and caring for the animals at the zoo.
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