The first round of activities showed that the archery was very popular as was the go-carts and trolleys. I was surprise that the waterside wasn't up to standard. There was lots for kids coming off the slide with cuts, bumps and bruises but they were having so much fun they didn't really mind.

One of the best activities was the burmer trail. I always enjoy giving the kids a night experience that is scary and this was no different. As night approached and it started to get dark the students were sent to the hall. One group at a time were sent down the long and dark driveway. Their experience began with me jumping out at them and showing them to the start of the trail. With parent jumping out and strange noises there was definitely terror in the air. I'd love to say that all the student completed the trail but with our scare skills at full we had some pulling out before they even started. I always enjoy watching the big tough boys who say they aren't scared cower over who goes first.

Another highlight was the paddle down the Waikato river. I was lucky enough to go twice and am paying for it now. My shoulders are sore but it was so much fun I'd do it again. The kids worked really well together and enjoyed jumping off at the wharf.
All in all it was a great 3 days.

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